What your baby can wear with different tog sleeping bags 💤

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Here's some advice on what you can dress your baby to sleep in at different times of the year.

Below 14°C wear a baby grow with a long sleeve vest underneath together with a 3.5 tog sleeping bag.

Between 14°C and 16°C you can either wear a baby grow, or a long sleeve vest together with a 3.5 tog sleeping bag. Now if you've only got a 2.5 tog bag you could wear the baby grow with the long sleeve vest underneath or a short sleeve vest underneath.

Between 16°C to 18°C it's a baby grow plus the 2.5 tog sleeping bag.

18°C to 20°C the long sleeve vest plus the 2.5 tog bag.

20°C to 22°C it's a long sleeved vest or a short sleeve vest together this time with a 1 tog bag.

22°C to 24°C it's either a completely sleeveless vest or the short sleeve vest with the 1 tog bag.

24°C to 27°C a nappy and a sleeveless vest and a 0.5 tog bag.

27°C a nappy plus a 0.2 tog bag.