How to transition from a Moses basket to bedside crib

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How to transition from a Moses basket to a next to me. Now it's worth bearing in mind that a young baby can use a Moses basket unit they physically out grow the basket, or they start to roll - that could be anything up to 3 or 4 months.

Something you may want to try is to pop the Moses basket itself inside the next to me crib for a few nights or so, this way your baby can get used to the new sleeping environment but obviously you can get a lot larger bed side cribs than the one we use here.

Another thing you could try is putting your baby inside the next to me during the day while they are still awake and interact with them for 20 mins or so. That way they get comfortable with their new surroundings.

Most babies don't like change, so it's completely normal if your little one takes a few days to adjust. Consistency is key so follow exactly the same sleep routines that you were using with the Moses basket. If you were suing white noise, continue to do so, do the same feeding routine and hopefully this should help your little one ease through the transition.

Of course you can go straight from the Moses basket into the cot. Follow the same procedure and this will help your baby with this transition too.